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Aviation obstacle identification


All shall sign fixed object, as long as practical, must use color logo; But if the actual is not possible, you must show markers or flag above the object or objects; Unless the object's shape, size, and color is enough clearly do not need add logo.
All shall sign of mobile objects, must be painted or display banner.
The use of color
Advice - on the surface virtually non-stop, in a vertical plane of projection the height and width of the object is equal to or more than 4.5 m, the application of color to be painted checkerboard format, format shall be not less than 1.5 m per side board, also of no more than 3 m rectangular chessboard corner with dark color. Checkerboard colors should be mutual contrast and bright, and contrasts with the setting to see it. Should use orange and white or red and white color; Unless the approximate color and background color.

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