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Visual approach slope indicator system


In the presence of one or more of the following circumstances, whether the runway with visual AIDS or other visual AIDS, you must set up visual approach slope indicator system, to guide the plane to the runway approach:
A) for turbojet aircraft or aircraft have a similar approach to guide required to use the runway;
B) any type pilot due to the following conditions may feel difficult to judge in the approach:
1) inadequate visual guide, such as fly above the surface or in the day did not fly or night over the characteristics of the terrain in approach area without enough outside the light into the close encounter situation; or
2) the misleading information, such as due to the misleading information produced by terrain slope or track;
C) the approach area within the object, if the plane came down below the normal approach channel may cause serious danger, especially in the absence of the visual or other visual AIDS can be warned the presence of these objects;

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