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The helicopter air slide taxiway and air routes


Helicopter taxiway width must be at least for the air taxiway ready for service to the helicopter main landing gear (UCW) is 3 times of the width of the largest.
The surface of the helicopter air taxiway must be able to static bearing.
Helicopter taxiway transverse slope should not exceed 2%, on the surface of the longitudinal slope is less than 7%.In any case, slope should be no more than the air that the slope of the taxiway ready for service to the helicopter landing limits.
The helicopter air slide taxiway must be in the air the center of the channel.
Helicopter air taxi routes must be symmetrically from line to extend on each side, at least not less than the heliport ready for service to the helicopter's most wide range.
Air taxi routes are not allowed to exist on the object, but because of its functions must be in the area within easy broken objects.
The surface of the air taxi routes must be able to resist rotor under the influence of blowing.
The surface of the air slide channel must provide ground effect.
The helicopter landing slots in any direction of slope should not exceed 2%.
Helicopter landing slots must have enough size, which contains a diameter at least for the gate position ready for service to the largest helicopter circles of 1.2 D.
If the helicopter landing slots are used to glide across, gate position and the minimum width of the corresponding reserve must be same as the width of the glide path.
When the helicopter landing slots are used to turn, the smallest size slots and corresponding reserve shall not be less than 2 D.
Around to turn as the helicopter landing slots, there must be a reserve, the reserve from the boundary of the helicopter landing slots to extend the distance of 0.4 D.
Run at the same time, the helicopter landing slots reserve and its corresponding taxi routes may not overlap.
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