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Level in the aviation obstruction light setting specifications


Barrier height under 45 m to 150 m above the ground object of aviation obstruction light should be used in type A, type B or C light intensity obstacle lights.Type A and type C in light intensity obstacle lights should be used alone, and light intensity in type B obstacle lights should be used alone or in combination with B type low light intensity obstacle lamp combination.
By type A light intensity obstacle lights labeled the obstacles in or near the top than the surrounding ground buildings (when obstacles surrounded by multiple buildings) at the top of the elevation above 105 m above obstacles lights must be added in the middle.Add the middle tier of obstacle lights must be obstacles lights depending on the situation at the top or near to the top of the building with the ground elevation as much as possible in order to not more than 105 m between equidistance Settings.
By type B obstacles lights light intensity of the obstacles in the top than the surrounding ground or nearby buildings (when obstacles surrounded by multiple buildings) at the top of the elevation more than 45 m higher, obstacles lights must be added in the middle.Add the middle tier of obstacle lights must be alternate type B low light intensity obstacle lights and light intensity in the type B obstacle lights and depending on the situation at the top obstacles lights or near to the top of the building with the ground elevation between to no greater than 52 m equidistance Settings as much as possible.
By C obstacles lights light intensity of the obstacles in the top than the surrounding ground or nearby buildings (when obstacles surrounded by multiple buildings) at the top of the elevation of more than 45 m higher, obstacles lights must be added in the middle.Must add the middle tier of obstruction light depending on the situation at the top barrier between the lamp with the ground or near to the top of the building elevation to no greater than 52 m equidistance Settings as much as possible.
In the use of type A strong specular obstacle lights, barriers must be light with no more than 105 m

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